
Dream of humans settling in space: Elon Musk

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PayPal Tesla and SpaceX Elon Musk launched several big companies in the last two decades. But did you know that Musk used to design rockets himself as a child.

Do you know that Musk used to be coding for videogames and do you know about his three missions to save humans.
Know so far in this episode of Titans, when someone just fighters.

Elon Reeve Musk was born on 28 June 971 in South Africa. His mother Mae Musk was a model and dietician and father Erol Musk is an electromechanical engineer and two younger siblings. Eilon's childhood was spent between books and computers. It is said that at the age of 9, he had read all the Encyclopaedia of Britannia and after that he started reading books like Lord of the Rings.

In 1995, he reached the Silicon Valley of America to do his PhD. He enrolled in the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University, but left it after two days. At that time younger brother Kimbal Musk had just completed his graduation from Queen's University. Kimble is 15 months younger than Eilon. He came to his brother in California. During that time, the era of internet had started. Together the two brothers decided to start a startup named Zip2. It was an online business directory equipped with maps. They got investors and the company thrived. In 1999, he sold the company to computer maker Compaq for US $ 3 million.

He then opened an online finance company named X.com alone. The interesting thing was that in the building where this company's office was, another such company opened in a few months later. This company named Confinity became a rival to X.com. These two companies merged in March 2000 and today the world knows it as PayPal. In October 2002, eBay bought PayPal in exchange for US $ 1.5 billion in stock.

Campaign to save human existence

Since leaving PayPal, Elon Musk has formed several companies. Two of these - Space X and Tesla Motors - put all their accumulated capital. The aim of all the existing companies of Musk is to find a solution to the three dangers hovering over human existence: climate change, human dependence on the same planet and the threat of human race being lost to no work. The more the machines are becoming capable, the more this danger is increasing. Tesla Motors, Solar City and The Boring Company are trying to cope with climate change by using clean energy options.

Musk believes that if humans are confined on the same planet, then they will not be able to save their existence. Some time or another disaster will come, whether natural or human born. The reason for a huge asteroid falling to the earth, the explosion of a huge volcano or nuclear war, which may or may not erase human existence at some point. So in May 2002, he launched Space X with the aim of finding life outside the Earth. He learned to design rockets and today he is not only the CEO of Space X, but also the Chief Technology Officer there.

Musk is of rough nature

Musk and his ilk believe that Artificial General Superintelligence (AGSI), in simple language, artificial intelligence of machines will become a threat to humans. It was with this thought that in December 2015 he started the non-profit company Open AI. The idea behind this is to make artificial intelligence beneficial to humans and eliminate the risk arising from it.

Elon Musk is a genius, he has amazing ideas but people who have worked with him tell how difficult it is to work with him. It is said that he works 80 hours a week and expects the same from others. When they are stressed about work, they also shout a lot of screaming at their team. It is said that even a small mistake has to be heard very well. His mood is also seen on Twitter. Many times he has tweeted such things, for which later he has to apologize.

When his Tesla factory in the US closed in the middle of the Corona crisis, after two months, he decided to open it himself. This was when the administration said that Tesla's factory does not figure in the list of important industries. In the midst of this crisis, Musk is trying to prove that whatever happens in the world by sending his mission to space from Space X, his work does not stop. Anyway, the human world should not stop anywhere, for this purpose, they are working.

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